2. Platz im Bundeswettbewerb Fremdsprachen

In October 2020, we, a group of five, came together to participate in the English Contest. The topic of the contest was: ,,Not a cat video”. This left us a lot of freedom concerning the content of our video, so at first we started collecting our different ideas. We all agreed that we wanted to spread a message with this video. Since we all had different ideas, we decided to cover as many as possible. However, a big problem we faced was, of course, the Corona-Pandemic. Many of our plans for when, where and how we were going to record the film, were disrupted because of the Lockdown in December. Our first idea was now difficult to act out so, we decided to start over. So, after many video conferences and a lot of thinking about different kinds of topics, we came to the conclusion that we would each film ourselves and then later cut it together. In our video, which is about ten minutes long, we show what changes will have to occur in not only politics but in the whole world. Writing the script and filming were quite a challenge and did not come without some stress but we all had fun and in the end it was worth it. It was interesting to face a type of challenge we never had to before!
Friederike Kreft, Klasse 8a