KUKI Short Film Festival
KUKI Short Film Festival
„While so many films are being made following a similar pattern, short films are able to find ways to tell stories in many multi-faceted ways.”
Source: https://www.interfilm.de/kuki-festival-2021/
The KUKI film festival shows short movies from all over the world, we watched those from English-speaking countries. This year we were able to watch films from the festival directly in the classroom – due to the Corona Epidemic we could stream them during our English lessons.
Some of the films were documentaries, mostly they were fictional stories. One of them was a horror movie about a scary eye doctor, another one was about being transgender. Some of them were so riveting that you totally forgot you were sitting in a classroom and even after the film was over you were still in that world the movie created.
After watching we discussed the different topics, such as racism, growing up and the LGBTQ community. We also worked on different tasks related to the films. For example, we made a blackout poem showing our own experiences during the pandemic for the animation film “How to be at home”, which shows the isolation during the Covid pandemic. We took the original text from the film and blacked out words, so that only the words relevant for our own Covid experience can be seen.
If you aren’t able to tell yet, we really loved KUKI 2021 and are absolutely looking forward to the next film festival.
Luise Busch / Luzie Rüttger, Class 9c, December 2021, Ms Sandfuchs